My Daily Routine

What a typical day looks like for me.

A reader of The Good Investors sent me a message on LinkedIn recently asking what my daily routine is like. The reader mentioned that there’s likely to be strong interest in what goes on in a typical day for me. 

I have no idea if there really will be reader-interest in this topic. But I thought why not write about it anyway. A few years from now, it will also be fun to look back at this. 

So, I’m usually up by 7am or earlier. There are two things that I tend to do once I’m awake (besides washing up!): (1) Meditate, and (2) catch up on my favourite Twitter accounts. 

I don’t have an active Twitter account. But one of the great things about Twitter is that anyone can still access the platform and read tweets. Over the past 1.5 years or so, I’ve found Twitter to be an amazing place to catch up on great articles on life, business, technology, and more. It is also a wonderful resource for condensed pieces of knowledge. Some of the people I follow on Twitter are (in no particular order): 

Usually, there will be a lot of good articles shared through these accounts. I will then read through them.

As for meditation, I have found it to be profoundly useful in helping me deal with the stresses in life with equanimity. Sometimes, I meditate first before catching up on Twitter. Then there are days where I catch up on Twitter first, read the articles that pop up there, and then meditate. 

When both activities are done, it’s usually around 9:30am. This is when I start my reading/research/writing on companies for my just-launched fund’s investment activities, or for articles for The Good Investors. The wonderful thing about investing for a living, and writing an investment blog as a passion project, is that the work done for both activities often overlap in huge ways. I see it as killing two birds with one stone! 

I will usually stop around 12:30pm or 1pm for lunch, then resume the research/writing. Some days, I start working out around 4pm. But if I’m not working out at 4-ish, then I will continue my investment research/writing till 6:30pm or so and then work out. I try to exercise every day.

Dinner typically starts at 7:30pm for me. After dinner I will hang out with my loved ones. After which, I carry on reading till I sleep. Some days I will be watching Youtube before bed. It depends on my mood. But even when I’m watching Youtube, I often will think about something like “Hang on, from my morning reads, I remember Company ABC having a unique management team. Let’s do some research!”… And off I go into a rabbit hole. 

Bedtime for me is around 11:30pm or 12 midnight. And then it all starts again! 

My daily routine has changed over time. Just 3 years ago, exercising at the gym would be the first thing I do in the morning after waking up. But now I prefer to exercise at a time when my energy is waning (late afternoon or early evening). I prefer to use the time when my mind is the most alert for reading/research/writing. Who knows when my routine will change again. But for now, this is what works for me! 

Disclaimer: The Good Investors is the personal investing blog of two simple guys who are passionate about educating Singaporeans about stock market investing. By using this Site, you specifically agree that none of the information provided constitutes financial, investment, or other professional advice. It is only intended to provide education. Speak with a professional before making important decisions about your money, your professional life, or even your personal life.

2 thoughts on “My Daily Routine”

  1. Hello Ser Jing,

    Good to know you are own BOSS and permanently WFH, no budgets to meet and no boss to report to (LOL).

    When you start work at 9:30 am today, please help my aging brain out la…i bought 100 shares of TMUS on David Gardner’s recommendation July 2016 and had a good run recently. Then Presto..i was issued 100 rights. But the legal notice is too long winded and complicated for me la….

    Please help me take a look and advice me if i take up the rights, what is the subscription price of the mother share and when is this expected to take place.

    Thanks and Best Regards, BL

    1. Hello BL! I’ve never followed TMobile. It will be much better for your investment if you reached out to the Fool US team for questions related to the TMobile rights offering – Ser Jing

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